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Ending the pilot - Visualize raised differentiated perception and desire for art

Once the young people of the CJD Germany had completed their ten sessions of the pilot program of Visualize, the last joint activity was a visit to the Museum Ludwig in Cologne, which took place at 1st of February 2018. As this was the last visit during the project; the young people have already expressed interest in organizing further visits of other museums together.

The stay at the museum for modern and contemporary art was completely free organized. The participants were able to explore the artworks alone or in groups. Everyone watched out for their favorite work, which later was shown to the whole group, in some cases the artworks were discussed using the Visualize method. "One participant was very interested in the works of Max Ernst, others in the Pop Art exhibition, and others went crazy for the surrealists. From dream worlds to abstract advertisements – we worked on almost all areas," says the trainer Henning Druckrey enthusiastically. After two hours the humorous tour ended and the day rounded up by a nice dinner together. On the return trip, young people exchanged points of view about the exhibition. The trainer Gabriele Lukas reported with pleasure: "We have definitely raised the interest of young people in art. They talked already about a visit to the Max Ernst Museum. But besides that the curiosity has grown, the way in which our participants view now pictures and additionally transfer them to everyday life is very impressive. We are very satisfied with the overall result! "



The project Visualize: An innovative training concept for strengthening the tolerance and soft skills of young people, addresses especially these skills by equipping the youngsters with tolerance and overall soft skills by looking at art and responding to each others comments.

Dieses Projekt wird mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert. Diese Publikation spiegelt einzig die Sicht des/der Autors/in wider und die Kommission kann nicht für jedweilige Nutzungen der darin enthaltenen Informationen verantwortlich gemacht werden.

Unsere Partner

  • Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands gemeinnütziger e.V.
  • Institut für Visuelle Bildung
  • Center for Development and Education
  • Best Cybernetics
  • Fundacion Intras

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